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Showing posts from February, 2019

Irvan Ridwansyah: Tips on finding your own lettering style

Artwork by Irvan Ridwansyah @_rdwnsyh Hello, I’m so happy to be able to share my lettering experience on Val’s blog. This time the focus is on how to find your own lettering style and some useful tips to help you find it. I hope that my experience will be helpful for you guys. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Irvan Ridwansyah. I’m a lettering artist from Jakarta, Indonesia. I love creating lettering work using the brush pen script that is modern and dynamic. I also love exploring typography layouts and trying out different brush pens to practice my brush calligraphy skills. Ok so let’s get straight to it. In my opinion, the key in finding your lettering style is consistency and honesty. Simple, right? The first moment that I started to have my own lettering style was roughly in 2017, when many friends could easily recognize my work on Instagram. At the time, I was consistently using one of my favorite mediums: Posca markers on black paper. The lettering style I...

Muli Ong: Defining My Artistic Style

Hi Guys! Val here. I’m back to talk about the campaign #inspirationvsimitation. I know that in the previous blog posts I have mainly shared about the issue of copying or imitating. This time I want to focus a bit more on the ‘inspiration’ side of the campaign to help inspire people to create their own style (rather than copying people’s artwork). I have asked a few of my lettering friends to share a bit of their journey in discovering their own style with the hope that it will give some of you newbies an idea of how to do it. Now there isn’t just one way of doing it. Also, there isn’t really a step-by-step process you go through in finding your own style. Everyone has a different and unique journey when it comes to this. So, first up, I’ve asked my dear friend, Muli Ong, to share about her creative journey. If you are not familiar with her style of lettering, please take a moment to check out her IG profile ( here ). I first discovered her back in 2015 and was ...